ORKIDS aspiration is to ensure our students are prepared towards independence living; with continuous education programs from the age of seven and towards their readiness for vocational education training.
The program structure is as below:
Junior Program
Emphasising the capability to have the necessary attention skills in learning and class room environment. The students will be nurtured to have the basic skills (reading, writing and counting. At the same time, their skills will be developed into enhancing their hobbies and creativity.
School Age Program
School age program facilitates the students into more in depth school syllabus which complements the PPKI Program in government schools.
The main aim is for the students to be able to read, write and count with minimal/no guidance.
As the students embark into secondary schools, they will be streamed into advanced school age program or pre vocational program in ORKIDS
Advanced School Age Program
Advanced school age program provides the students with the ability to enhance their cognitive skills through advanced writing, reading and counting capabilities. Living and social skill is also embedded into the program with the emphasis to prepare them into teenager phase.
70% of the program focuses on cognitive enhancememt and 30% is on living skills and social development
Pre Vocational Program
Pre vocational program gives the opportunity to those students who are more suitable to embark into self-help and further enrich their living skills. Some emphasis shall be the ability to follow through and understand instructions as well as basic understanding to vocational introduction. Areas to be developed are arts & handicrafts, basic use of internet and computer, basic cooking/baking and table manners.
30% of the program focus on cognitive enhancememt and 70% on pre vocational and living skills
Below diagram illustrates the prorgam structure. Note: the age is just a guide for the program, actual classification will follow the children’s level of capability.
ORKIDS’ parents support group is created to support the family and the centre in any events involving the students and parents/family members. The PSG roles are mainly to provide the following:
- Be the bridge between the centre, teachers and parents
- Support the centre’s initiated events and/or celebrations
- Organise talks/confererences to support the parents, siblings and family members
ORKIDS not only provides education program to special needs students but also the opportunity to showcase their talents. ‘321 Dazzlers’ dance team was formed to bring out the best of these students in music and movement. Their ability to dance and perform in public is remarkable. To-date, they have been invited to perform in various events / programs such as:
- TV3’s Malaysia Hari Ini 2019
- Fesyen Amal Vaganza 2019
- Kiwanis 30th Anniversary Gala Charity Dinner 2019
- Bunga-Bunga Syurga Malam Gala Kasih Mesra 8
- Persidangan OKU Selangor 2019
- International Women’s Day Dinner 2020