ORKIDS (Our Kids Are Special) or formally known as Persatuan Kebajikan Anak Anak Istimewa Selangor was established on 6th April 2012. It started off as a support group by parents to down syndrome children.
Orkids has now turned into a full-blown non-profit educational resource centre for these special-needs children managed by a group of dedicated parents, teachers and support staff.
Registered with The Registrar Of Society Selangor under the name Persatuan Kebajikan Anak-Anak Istimewa Selangor (ORKIDS) (Ros Registration Number: PPM-029-10-06042012).
ORKIDS programs cater for children with learning disabilities in general and specialised to support children with down syndrome.
To continuously provide quality education and training for school-age children with learning disabilities; hence enhancing their potential towards independence and a better future
- Provide continuous education to children with disabilities
- Influence the development of special education in Malaysia
- Advocate for individuals with special needs
- Create opportunity for self-sustainment
ORKIDS is managed by board of committee members who are responsible to ORKIDS’ governance. The committee members are elected on a voluntary basis during the annual general meetings.